Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Question 4 "Developing a Concentration" worksheet 2

List any other art techniques and/or media that you feel comfortable with.

Though I am not good at the math of how to center the word on the page, this is something I enjoy. I like how the end result looks and that there is no expectation for it to look perfect. The little imperfections is what makes it printmaking. I like that I can use the wintergreen markers and do a xerox transer on the finished product, which brings me to....

2.Xerox transfers
I like this technique because it reminds me of those old timey black and white photos. Ones that would feature criminals, couples, landscapes etc.

With this I can put things together that don't relate and make them relate. I can use pieces that are mine and collaborate with other people pieces as well, whether it's on paper or done on the compter.

I have only experimented with ink once, but it worked out nicely. I dipped a brush in the ink and "painted" with it on a paper. I started making wispy lines, and ended up making a tree. It was beautiful, but I have yet to finish making whatever I am making. I don't know what else to try to finish it with out making the tree look awful.

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